Beer at the most affordable price (Rs. 100 / Mug for hashers) was a very sweet deal to refuse by any son of his mother who calls him a hasher (Same goes for all the hers too). And this money saving scheme was well adapted by the Gujjus in the hash. Bonsai, Shining, Bela, Screwed Driver, Sole Seeker, Fubar, Pranita and Joy, all gujjus, hung around and kept drinking for as long as they could.
Leave the gujjus at a discount shop with good brands and see the sales boom. The brand in this case was chilled KingFisher; what more can one ask for?
They were not the only ones to hang around there till late. Shreyashi, Sanket, SNAFU, Patricia and Sandeep Prabhakar were also present till as long as they could drink. Not to mention, the karaoke just added more emptied glasses on our tables.
The run was marked with, as mentioned by Shreyashi, 'Slutty Red Tape' which was actually glow in the dark tape for convenience of the hashers. Slutty Red Tape??? I think I see a hash name in the making. The 7 km run was a simple, straightforward and 'as good as it can get' run. 7/10 for this one. Review was that the run was good but, the walk on the dirty Versova beach was a major speed bump on an otherwise smooth flow marked 'sluttily' by hares Shreyashi and Joy (
Let the record also show that Joy was wearing brand new asics on the run and is liable to purify them on the next run, upon failing to do so, he will be given the pick of the dirtiest shoe in the hash to purify)
All credit goes to Shreyashi for the venue. Evening run couldn't have been any simpler. The arrangement was straightforward; you buy your booze at the bar... no keeping count and collecting. We occupied most of the ground floor initially, till the karaoke started, which is when we went upstairs. The scene upstairs turned from funny to hilarious within 30 minutes as the entire BH3 gang picked their choice and sang away to glory.
Bonsai suddenly saw 'Swing Low' on the list... it was only a matter of time before all the other guests saw the lot of us doing hand actions on the song. (
spit before 'coming').
All in all, a great evening spent at a very cosy venue which keeps asking you to come back for more... and trust me, we shall.
On On
The Gallery
Versova Beach Sunset |
Yo Bitches! Cant you see me here? |
Lol... Simply lol! |
Vikram aur Betaal |
Amateur Photobombing |
Professional Photo-bombing |
Are you with the CIA? |
What the fuck is this? Why is this patch so clean? |
what your phone does when you dont know... |
Midnight Buffet @ Andheri Station |
Yummy Anda bhurji for the hungry hashers |