16 June 2014

Run # 480 Woodside Inn, Colaba

I guess we didn't please the rain gods while on the run, but we sure did please Woodside and the beer Gods as glass after glass of West Coast, IPA, White Zen kept flowing out of the barrels. I am sure Woodside was as pleased to have us over as we were to be there.

Rohan and Ria decided to hare this 4.5km beauty of a run. Simple as it could be, majority of the hashers couldnt follow the trail and finish the run as it was laid. I guess everyone was eager on getting back to the sweet 1+1 and a 15% discount offer that was waiting back at Woodside. Though most of us did not finished the run as marked, everybody deserved the beers. Noteworthy, Indian brewers are getting better at the brewing business as the brews were more lipsmacking than any other beer we have had.

Coming back to the run, what started from Woodside and ended at Woodside took us through the streets of Churchgate and V.T. What more can I say about the run? Good job Rohan and Ria.

With the way the evening went, we might as call Woodside Inn, our hash house for now. lol. All this was not possible without the wonderful effort for Snafu. She is claiming her place on the ice every run and we can only be proud to have her in the family. Also, a big thank you to Woodside Inn and to Rahul (GBC) for making this event happen.

Oh! Did I forget to mention? Pranita decided that she needed to hang around with a different breed of mutts and honoured us with her presence on this run. She didn't do the run, entirely, but something is better than nothing. Also, Beer bong and Tight lips decided to finish their honeymoon, finally, and showed up for this one. Welcome back you guys.

With this ended, sadly, a very merry and eventful hash day.

One ends so that another can begin, right? On On

Run # 609 (Someplace Else)

RUN # 609 THE LAST SUPPER (OF 2024) The OG Hashers! Well, many in this frame are to BH3 what pros are to the Red Light Area (no offense, non...