almost saffron, not there yet. |
This is what happens when you have such a wonderful weekend. I have a mental block writing this blog cos no words can describe the fun we had there. It is true in this case that the book will not be as good as the movie was. True!
The drive to durshet forest lodge was not that bad. we finished the journey in good time keeping us fresh for the days events. around noon, when we reached, i realised we were amongst the last people to arrive. the pool was already filled with hashers and the smell of beer was in the air.
Durshet forest lodge, 12 kms from the bom-pun expressway is a place to be. Quaint rooms with commons lawns to lay down on. The swimming pool, which was the highlight of the weekend, the dinner area, the garden lawn... all well laid out. It is different from their other 2 properties in its own unique way.
Day 1: Run # 475
This run was hared by H
orny yeti and A
bhay. For the sake of argument, lets just call it a hike instead of a run. Let me begin... this hike was hared by H
orny yeti and A
bhay. The spirits of this well marked 6 km tour of the surrounding area were only slightly dimmed by the heat. The run/hike started a little over 4pm and finished before it got dark.
The heat however was not a problem post run as the sun had already started its descend and the ice had chilled the beer to our satisfaction.
On the ice today were hares Horny yeti and Abhay. No one complained after getting chilled beer and the run/ hike wasnt half that bad either. A solid 7/10 for the efforts by the hares
Snafu was next on the ice for designing the lovely tshirts for this weekend too.
Snafu... all blushes. good job with the t's |
Tnt was next to be on the slab and he shared all the info about the monsoon madness in Goa, September.
aap sab goa aao... |
This fellow decided not to miss the fun. He could manage to be with us for a day and he did exactly that. No prize for guessing the name but yes, Ramnik did time on the ice.
ramnik, cyrus and anuradha |
Also on the ice were Cyrus and Anuradha, Baba Ethan (who sat like a sadhu on the ice) and Samar (can we ever not acknowledge KF)
Post circle, while most of them continued their drinking spree, some hibernated to appear in the conference room later for the party. What started as a circle of chairs and seperated conversations soon turned into:
rounded chairs turned into musical chair |
please add the chair to the checkout bill... |
phew! alls well that ends drunk.
Day 2: Run # 476
The best decision was to shift the run to morning. Yes. Start at 10 and wind up by lunch and have the entire day to rest, drink, swim and perform coitus of sorts.
Todays run tested the leg power of hashers. Hares Shivaji and Joy pulled an amazing workout for our legs. We climbed and then we climbed some more. By the end of the 6.something, we all looked like those body builders with strong legs and an upper body like that of a beer guzzler.
Oh I didnt tell you. Khushboo... this little torture, went nicely on the first run... only to come back with a swollen eye and an even swollen face. It looked like a 100 bees made a move on her. She missed the second run cos of her condition. Lucky bitch!
Anyway, chilled beers came to the rescue again.
Shivaji and Joy, hats off. Yes! the run was a bitch but it gets a solid 8.5/10. Drink it down down down...
Up next on the ice was Khushboo. This girl started the first run, came back half way with a swollen eye and face, couldnt do the second run cos of her condition... However, the scene completely changed in the evening. I am not kidding... take a look... hahahahaha
couldnt run, not well. |
screw my condition... lets partheyyyy! |
I am going to take this blog a day back again. Friday. The party got over and everybody went to their rooms. Well, almost everybody. Khushboo, Ria, Divya, Assman, Patricia, Screwed Driver, Sole Seeker, Harsh, Snafu and me (Fubar) ended up in the same room and the party had just began for them. Fubar expressed his urge to go for a drive and cancelled the plan immediately when Joy said, "I will drive you crazy." What happened next is the reason why Joy was asked to get on the ice again. We made him do it again... So you see, Joy has a second income from a secret profession. He dances in peoples weddings and business is good. Joy is a good dancer. Suddenly in the chaos in the room that night, Joy gave us a crash course in an item number by Sunny Leone. The song was from the not so hit Ragini MMS 2 and that is the title he earned. Any guesses? Well, lets just say we sang, "Baby Doll yeh sone di..." while he was being christened.

Osama and Bollywood Boobs were on the ice. While BB gave us a demo behind the hash name (will let your imagination wild here), we cheered them for sponsoring a whole lot for this run too.
Snafu, how could we miss you? Thank you for designing this one too. And yes, we got her to sing what she wrote on the tshirt. Wanna know? Buy the tshirts then... LOL
The party tonight was even crazier.
the best dancers for the evening... the c#nt and the l#nd.... |
And it did not stop there...
I do remember playing some weird game till a lil past midnight. Today, however, the lil house party in the room didnt happen. What happened instead? It so seems that Sole Seeker, Khushboo, Snafu and Fubar did not get enough adventure for the night. They decided to make it a lil experience of their own.
So, when the portals to the other worlds opened (2 am), these 4 ghost busters set out through the back fences into an open field with a lonely and creepy tree at a distance and sat on the field for another beer. Now, Sole Seeker and Fubar and Screwed Driver (who decided it was wiser to pass on this one) have been famous in the past to get possessed by some cranky ghosts and wander out in the night.
perfect moonlight |
There is a lot that happens on the hash, under the radar.
Day 3: Run # 477
Now who wants to get up early and do a run on this day? Dont you remember what you did last night?
But, not only did we get up to go for the run, we were also greeted by eggs.
Each one had to carry an egg representing him/her throughout the run and bring it back without breaking it.
Shining said, "Screw it, I am hungry." and ate the raw egg... no kidding.
Our hangovers were shown on our faces. While Sole Seeker still carried his prize from the last night...
... Fubar got some TLC from the local mutt.
Fartashaty and Samar did justice to the 'Hangover Run'. The run was a total of 1.5 kms which included a zipline.
in a successful attempt to not break the egg |
A solid 7/10. 7 given only cos of the zipline, otherwise who wants to run with a hangover? *wink*. Samar also got his hash name. After a lot of debate, he was finally christened, 'Esco-bar.' (he gets us beers, what else do u think?)

These hotties did not do the run in the first attempt, apart from Khushboo. Upon realising that the run was so short and included a zipline, these 3 went on the run then. Patricia was also on the ice for not dong the first run and short cutting the 2nd one. Snafu continued on the ice for designing this tshirt as well.
Sole Seeker and Patricia were on the ice for the best dancers of the night. But, the real star was Abhay who with his moves proved that ABCD (Any Body
Can Dance) *wink wink*.

The energizer bunny was the star of all the parties too. This man had sponsored hard liquor for all bh3 parties. We do appreciate chilled beer, but sometimes nothing can pick a party up like some good ol' whiskey and rum.
So, with this circle we called it the end of yet another successful and fun filled Easter Weekend.
On On to Nash hash 2015, hosted by Bombay Hash.
some more pics from the weekend: