"वही बंगला जहां जमीन पर बर्फ रखी हो और लोग उस पर बैठते हों?", said the ice vendor upon FUBAR ordering the ice. "आप सब बरसों बाद आए हैं", he said as he confirmed that the ice block would reach Arundhati on time for the circle.
The Arundhati gang for Run # 588 |
On Sunday morning, the neighborhood in Krishna Nagar, Borivali (East), woke up to a nostalgic chatter outside Arundhati Bungalow. Screams of On On!, where to park the car? who will eat Vada pav, weird names being called out did the rounds!
Amey 'Jack of', the host, and a newly titled father, was overwhelmed already by seeing hashers after ages.
Bicep Bubbly, one of the 2 hares, arrived fashionably late and tried to blame his wife for the same. One look from Deepti and he had his tail between his legs.
The unmarked trail, finally announced by FUBAR, flagged off at 10:30ish and took the hashers for a lovely walk inside Sanjay Gandhi National Park, a dense jungle within the city. Once again, we didn't manage to lose any hasher on the trail or in the jaws of a wild cat (DAMMIT). After roughly 90 mins of pure Mowgly vibes, the hashers returned to Arundhati for some down-downs. Arundhati has always been a place where hashers get a little enchanted. The conversations are more, the masti is more and the vibe is a little high.
FUBAR and Bicep Bubbly were iced for laying a fantastic trail without any markings. A superb 10/10 for the run, purely cos of the environment in which it was held.
Virgin, Dipti, and Returnees, Bicep Bubbly, Shreyashi, Horny Yeti, and On a Loop were iced and welcomed and welcomed back to Bombay Hash
The entire gang who made it to InterHash in Goa was next on the ice.
Clit-Oh-Patra was iced for showing true Hashing spirit and traveling almost 200 km just to attend the run.
'Jack Of' was iced for being a wonderful host and spoiling us with this quaint and lovely bungalow. Bonsai and Shinging curiously discussed his ass in the background.
After all the fun, yummy biryani did the job of keeping our tummy happy.
Some headed off to their domes while some headed off to Doolally for more beers.
On On!
Next Run:
26th March 2023... details to be out soon!
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