13 August 2013

Run # 456 Radio Club

It seems that Virgin hares are getting ready to take up their responsibilities and contribute to the hashing family. We have seen the likes of Ankit, Azeem, Rohan, Yamit and others coming forward to hare. This time it was no different. Snafu was joined by virgin hare Khushboo (Fubar pitched in) to hare this simple yet effective trail for runners.

Run # 458 passed a few landmarks in South Bombay before this, nearly, 8 km run circle back to ARC. Sassoon Dock, Afghan Church and WTC were amongst the many places that we crossed.

Satisfied hashers returned to ARC where chilled beer, Kingfisher ofcourse, came by the dozen and emptied as fast as it arrived. The hot topic of conversation these days is planning for the Monsoon Madness in Goa. Nobody realised at what point but Sanket and Fubar got into the act and started singing songs which one would hear only in local trains, traffic signals and inside auto-rickshaws. Well, that keep everyone entertained for a while.

With the calories burned and calories added, hashers went back home with nothing lost and nothing gained too, with respect to weight.


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