05 November 2013

Run # 463 Where's the ice?

Seasons play an important role on how we look at a particular venue. People who ran from here the last time will have a very rainy memory. Yes! the last time we rain from this venue, it rained as hell. This time, it was the complete opposite. Wood fried pizzas weren't as hot as we were on the trail.

But that doesn't stop some of our very recent hashers from showing off. I always knew that shit happens when you listen to Nihar Mehta. I dont know how he convinced them but, Deepak, Yogesh and Nihar decided and actually did cycle all the way from Bombay to the venue of the run (roughly 65 kms, ONE WAY). We didnt know whether to praise them or laugh at them. That is too much work for beer. As if that was not enough, Nihar went a step ahead and actually also did the entire run... he did get lost and was fetched by Amey in his car, eventually. 

But, hares Khushboo and Amey with the help of Shivaji and a white turban fella pulled out a short sweet and sexy run. It came as an utter surprise as no one expected a run, which involved haring by Shivaji, to get over so soon. We finished in under 120 mins.



Chief Hare
Things were a lil heated up after the run as the regular ice supplier ditched us with a whole lot of excuses. Screwed Driver made a few calls and we finally did get ice. It took a while before the ice could chill the beer but we made best of our sober time with some chit chat and frisbee.


Hares: 3 out of the 4 hares were iced. The 4th hare decided to disappear the moment he saw us crazy bunch. I am sure he realised that he would be in grave danger if he hung around for long. The run was short, hot and fabulous.

New Shoes: Atleast I have never seen so many people on the ice for wearing new shoes. Khushboo, Fartashaty, Fubar, Joy were all iced as they proudly drank from the shoe... No Cheating by this bunch.

Beertism: Ramnik, whose hash name was withdrawn, got a newer, supposedly better hash name, 'Break a Leg'. 

Visiting hashers: The people responsible for bring Ram bhau, and by extension, Sita bhabhi, into this world graced us with their presence on this hash run. They were put on the ice alongwith Sita Bhabhi. Fubar got the privilege of laying tummy down on the ice while momma dear sat on his back and other hashers got their very rare chance of bothering Fubar... lol

Mandy made it to the ice for doing a ramp walk on the trail. Wackopedia, who was behind her when she modelled for the heat, did a very successful imitation of the walk and got much acclaim for the same. 
Wackopedia doing a Mandy

How could we forget the sponsors and the host. Shining took place on the ice on behalf of the Kingfisher alongwith the host. Cheers!

Thus ended the circle with the hash anthem and finally ended the hashing day with yummy biryani.

More pics here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.550164671733043&type=1&l=d459863b60

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