Hashers! Wadddup? Its the 8th today and if I know hashers correctly, you would have gotten off the new year hangover; just about now. Right?
The first Sunday of twenty14 ended in the best way it could have for a hasher. It ended with the first run of 2014. Yes, run # 468 was successful thanks to the presence of all those who came for it. It was not the run but the excitement of meeting up with fellow hashers and drinking beer that got us there.
The run, a 7.5 km of SoBo tour was a pleasure; thanks to the efforts of Cumagain and Patricia. I shall not talk a lot about the run cos everyone worth their beer in the hash knows how our runs are. :D
Radio Club and its sea side seating was the best arrangement for a nice windy Bombay winter. I like this about my city's winter; unlike the nations capital, we can have fun and drink chilled beer by the sea on a windy winter evening.
2014 will bring a lot of beer and fun and drunken memories, GUARANTEEd.
Look out for...
==)> Of course there is the Nash Hash hosted by (Mad)ras H3.

==)> You definitely do not want to miss this one--> BH3 weekends are famous throughout for the huge success we have on every event that we organise. April would see our
Weekend, an experience you DO NOT want to miss.
==)> Apart from the regular hash events, we are also bringing new things to the club this year. Get ready for a lot of merchandise to be bought as BH3 is incorporating

==)> We will also be organising a lot of parties, more like 'Care to get drunk?' events on a regular basis. The idea will be to have more hashers come together more often.
Ofcourse, any suggestions and ideas by our hashers is appreciated. We may not apply it but we will definitely appreciate it...
Until The Next Time...
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