10 July 2014

Run # 481 Thakoor Estate

It was the other one this time... Yes, we ran from the other side of the fence. Thakoor Estate opened the doors of its  other property for us to have a new experience. Though the rain God's didn't impress us, the umbrellas did come handy in staying away from the sun.

We were slightly delayed in starting the run... The beers had to be put for chilling before any activity could be started.
The run, hared by Brew Bitch, Deepak Rajani, Sunil Fadia and Amey was short and long. While most took the longer route, many decided to beat the heat with the beers and opted short. Some also took a 6 wheeler help to get back sooner. Names shall be disclosed upon payment of sufficient bribe.

Thakoor Estate was buzzing with activity as the hashers gulped down on the cans and kept looking up in the hope of getting some rain. While so e chose to go into the shed of the property, most of them took refuge on the green grass. There were also so e like Fubar who feel into the same hole twice in 5 minutes. (and you think only Germany can score more than once in such a short span?)

The hares were iced and undoubtedly praised for their good efforts. The run was a solid 8 out of 10.

Sunil Fadia and Deepak were on the ice again. We thought that they were d long due for their hash names. While Mr. Fadia's naming was postponed to another event, Deepak was christened, 'Pedlophile' for his love of cycling and his knack of getting young talent around him... Lol

Newly weds Shilpa and Manoj and not so newly wed Beer Bong and Tight Lips were next on the ice. They got their last chances to cheat on their half betters but they were too loyal to cheat. We will wait a year and then see... :)

Too bad for them that we do not have Virgins on the ice no more, unless they become two timers. There were a lot of new faces on this run and we decided to ice only the ones who turned up again. Not everyone can take the heat of the cold ice.

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