14 September 2015

Run # 509 at Karjat.

 Now we all are wondering, what is the surprise going to be?? A beer stop? Wading through river? A path full of leaches? Well whatever it was going to be, we were looking forward to the run of the year!
Come Sunday morning, and the crowd slowly started trickling in. Some by car, some by train, some in the ice truck! After a brief introduction of the trail by the hares, we set out for the run. Perfect weather! Not raining, the sun was shying away behind the clouds, and infact a light drizzle now and then. The terrain was lush green with tall grass all around. A few patches of slippery moss covered rocks, and yes a few did do the ‘Michael Jackson moon walk’ on that surface! And then this bunch of expat kids, thought they were on the movie sets of a Yash Raj movie, and wanted to click selfies and pictures in different poses with flowering fields all around them. Seems they were in no hurry to get back.( Obviously, they were under age, so in no hurry for the beer)

 And very soon, we knew what the surprise was! We were all lost on the trail, including the bloody Hares! Seems they took the title ‘Hare’ literally, and God know what they were doing on the trail, instead of marking it properly! What do you expect from a ‘Horny Yeti’ and Jaggu dada (Shivaji insisted on calling her that). Jagruti was getting agitated at the others, who blamed the Hares for getting them lost, and that was one point of inspiration for her naming!
Anyways, all well that ends well, thanks to the presence of mind of a few, who remembered the terrain and had their orientation, and got the rest safely back to the road. A boring walk down the road, and there the real surprise awaited us! The walk through the marshy fields! Treacherous, wading through water, muck, and with each step, didn’t know how deep the next one would be!
Back at Bhanpurwala Farms, the Host, Mr Huseni, had a treat waiting for us. He had special barbecue set up for us. He had grilled marinated chicken and corn cobs! Perfect with the beer! 

Soon it was time for the circle. First to be iced were the hares, coz of whom we almost got lost, and would have spent the rest of our lives in the forest of Karjat! Now Farthasharty, like a smooth operator, cons his friend Vicky for the run, and he himself is home, celebrating the silver jubilee of losing his virginity! Vicky gets more friends, who come with their kids, and their kids exchange student friends. Next on the ice was Vicky, as he was pretty inquisitive as to why people were getting iced! Be our guest! Next were the virgins, specially the exchange students. Wonder why everyone kept giggling when one of the pretty girls introduced herself as ‘Laura’!

 Next were the Hashers from other cities and countries, whose it was the first run with Bombay Hash. ‘Shamcock’ of Stuttgart H3 (though she insisted she is American via Germany via Africa, via Antartica via Chinckpokli via Timbuktoo) and ‘Delayed Again’  from the Delhi hash. Both have recently moved to Bombay, and hope to see more of them on the runs. 
Next in line were Sayuree and Jagruti. It was time, they both got their Hash names. For her love of food, and the sweet woman she is, Sayuree was names ‘Lip Smacking’. The agitated and snappy Hare of the day, Jagruti, who danced the night away on the bar top at the Monsoon Malestorm in Goa last month, wearing something that looked like ‘lingerie’, was named...’Porcupine in Petticoat’. Hope they hate their names! 
Was a rare moment to see hashers drink beer from their ‘ Chappals’, and that too because Leaky Faucet was chivalrous enough to this bong lady, who thought wearing bathroom slippers for a run was fun, and offered his shoes and wore her girly purple slippers instead! Also to be iced was our generous host, ‘Sleep on me’ .
All in all a well spent Sunday.
Photographs : Photographs of Run #509
On On!
 Horny Yeti


Run # 609 (Someplace Else)

RUN # 609 THE LAST SUPPER (OF 2024) The OG Hashers! Well, many in this frame are to BH3 what pros are to the Red Light Area (no offense, non...