23 June 2016

Run #516 - The 'Holi' Run

Thakoor Farms, Karjat @ 20th March 2016

Hares :Shivaji, Bonsai

Yet another run in sweltering March heat, in parched Karjat. Now we know what they mean when they say 'Beware the ides of March'.

Pre run, there was a pre holi celebrations, with colors being smeared on each others faces! we looked more like a bunch of parakeets than a bunch of drinkers with a running problem!

Now the trail..if Shivaji is one of the Hares, be assured it is going to be a back breaker. Where was this guy working before? the concentration camp??? Anyways, the trail took us through crocodile infested streams, muck with leeches, up the mountains, down the valleys, through farms and open fields and back, to the comfort of the shed, where the Golden Nectar awaited us!

We had to bid adeu to Mark , but we are sure he shall be back soon! 

Till the next run... On On!

till then enjoy the run at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10153761696204442&type=1&l=ae3cc8f6b5

p.s. The crocodiles and leeches were a creation of imagination due to the heat stroke!

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