05 January 2018

BH3 Run #539 : KARJAT : Last Run of 2017

As the usual ritual goes, December run is usually mid month, taking into consideration the Festive season at the end of the month.

This was in Karjat, the Thakur farms. Everyone was hoping the weather Gods would be favorable, coz for some reason, everytime we had a run from this location it was always HOT! But the weather seemed good when we reached. A decent number of Hashers, considering that two Hashers Wandering Nuts & Runaway Pussy were letting the shit hit the fan, by getting married that day! Congratulations, and Good luck to their neighbors!

The run was marked by Hare Raiser Shivaji and our visiting Hasher Peeping Porn. Lazy asses, decide to mark the run on that same morning. For the fact that when the others reached there, and Shivaji's face was grim and his chin was touching the floor...everyone was happy that it was going to be a short run!!!

Well as expected, the run was around the dam and lake, but ofcourse with a little twist, but the Hares managed to keep it off the road for most distance. The confetti used to mark the trail was a pleasant welcome sight on the already drying grass and terrain. And then,, the unexpected on the usual trail. Out of no where, come a herd of charging bulls. Who were probably as confused as the running helter skelter Hashers, who didnt know what to do, where to go, whom to push forward to save themselves, or whether to strip their red Tshirts off! It was a hilarious, as well as a scary moment! Buts all well, that runs well! back to the trail, and eating water melons , while watching a local village cricket match, was a good break.

As expected, a super short run of approximate 5 kms, and pleasant weather, had everyone in good spirits. And ofcourse the goodies of sandwiches and puffs got by Osama , who always loves to play Santa Claus, were quickly devoured up by the bhukkad Hashers!

On the ice, at the circle, were the usual short cutters, second timers (oh yes, BH3 has stopped wasting ice on Virgin Hashers), but the height of the run was a threesome on the trail! and we thought, only the bulls were excited!

The next run, also would be a mid month run, considering the Mumbai Marathon on the 21st of January, and the  Nash Hash on the long weekend of 26th January.

On On till Run #540 at Madh Island!

Hash Flash!


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