04 August 2023

Run # 593 | Freemason Hall

 History, Heritage, and a lot of beer!

The title pretty much doesn't sum up the Sunday that the hashers spent, crawling around the streets of South Bombay. There was of course a lot more that happened that day. 

So, forty-something enthusiastic hashers turned up at Freemason's Hall for what they thought would be a lovely rainy day. Then... Wackopedia walked-in. He wore the smile of the Grinch, as what followed him... was the sun shining brighter than ever. The dark clouds had disappeared and the wet land dried as fast as the sweat showed up on everyone. 

With hopes in our hearts and a skip in our step, Baby Dick, the cheap chief Hare, blew the bugle, announced the run, and off we went. 

The run was truly an amazing walk. Over the next 8kms, we walked through some prominent landmarks in Bombay including, but not limited to, The RBI building, Gateway of India, Taj Hotel, Fashion Street, Oval Maidan, Asiatic Library, Marine Drive etc. 

By the end of the run, the rain jackets had dried up and the sweat had REALLY built up. But what an amazing hashing Sunday it turned out to be. 

Back at Freemason's Hall, gathered hashers chilled under the comfort of a room with fans (not something we are used to), and what a welcome change it was. The beer station was already seeing a little crowd and those not at the beer station were not there cos they were already holding on to their glass of liquid gold, a glass of very chilled beer. 

Venkat, imparting some history behind the Freemasons

Now, you do not come to Freemasons and not have a tour of the building. Our host, Venkat took the onus and gave all the hashers a nice tour of the hall and also took us inside what they consider to be their temple. Hashers sat in a long row of chairs as Ventak shared with us, the history behind the venue and the Freemason's culture. 

Back in the hall, hashers continued with their beers and bitching until the invisible GM decided she had drunk one too many beers and announced the circle. 


Hand Cock, Leaky Faucet, and Fartashaty graced the ice for a well laid run. No complaints there. The run unanimously scored a 10/10 - the ZERO rainfall

The Grinch aka Wackopedia

Wackopedia made it to the ice cos we didn't get wet during the run. It is well established that the only time it rained in his presence was at Huseni (though after the run was over). 

Freshers were then inducted on the ice. They made sure they commit to coming back for more of this awesomeness. Only time will tell. 

Venkat, the host for the day was iced and we couldn't thank him enough for the wonderful arrangements he had made for the bunch. 

Hashers then indulged into a lovely spot of lunch arranged by Freemasons. The food was yummy and a welcome change over the biryani. With the cameras loaded with pictures, and a belly full of beers and food, the hashers called it a day; excited for the August, Run Of The Year!


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