04 May 2024

Run 602 | Arundhati Bungalow


Some hashers are true to their name. We were graced by one true blue hasher from Nigeria for this one. He takes his hash name very seriously. So much so that 'Short-Cutter' decided not to come for the run at all. LOL!

So, while we pondered what to do with the extra ticket to SNGP, Cunt Sandeep called and said he was on his way to the run and the ticket was utilized to him. That sorted, the bunch of enthusiastic hashers gathered around the hares as the run was announced. After, what felt like an eternity, Horny Yeti concluded that explaining would not help and decided to lead the trail. "On On" screamed the bunch and off we were. 

Out of Arundhati Bungalow, we headed straight for the National Park and within 5 minutes, we were taken from one of the busiest spots in Mumbai to the serene, traffic-free, 'birdsong jungle' environment of Sanjay Gandhi National Park. 

The 2 hour trail took us up the Gandhi Tekri, towards Kanheri Caves. A lovely refreshment stop was also organized by the hares; Horny Yeti and On A Loop.

For a change, we also tweaked the trail this time. Hares found an off-road trail, a welcome change. 

The run was well-applauded by the lot as the hares downed their beers while they sat on ice, cooling their butts off.

Jack Off was iced for getting lost in the wilderness in his own backyard. Soon, we realized he got lost, not alone, with Men-o-pause, and this whole thing was an elaborate plan so that he could make up out with her as an apology for making her cry many years ago. A lovely saga of love he'd love to narrate if you ask him. 

Chlorofornicator was applauded to the ice. This visiting hasher from our brethren, KH3 was impressed with the spoils she received on this day. She showed some hashing spirit. She traveled from Dombivali to Panvel to join a friend who would then drive to Borivali for the run. 

Govind, the friend, was also iced.

Two-timers, Just Meher and Cunt Nikita were welcomed to the Hash. They're not going anywhere now. 

Next up were Cunt Sandeep, Cunt Vandita, and Dr. Porn. They were charged with wearing new shoes. Shoey's were rightly performed as they drank from the leakproof shoe. 

Jack Off was iced again with an uproar of cheering. Hashers were eternally happy to have a venue like Arundhati to run from. 

Chlorofornicator iced again. And this time, we all got cake. After a long time, we had a birthday on the hash. She cut the yummy cake, while she parked her tushie on the frozen water. 

The event was concluded with the anthem and yummy biryani! 


*Important updates on the hash:

1. Going forward, hares (max 2) will not pay registrations. If the event rego is anything over INR 250, the hares pay rego (e.g. Xmas Run, Diwali Brunch run, etc.)
2. Venue sponsor (max 1) will not pay rego for the run.
 If the event rego is over INR 250, the venue sponsors pay rego (e.g. Xmas Run, Diwali Brunch run, etc.)
3. Sponsor for goodies on a run do not pay rego.
 If the event rego is over INR 250, sponsors pay rego (e.g. Xmas Run, Diwali Brunch run, etc.)

*MMC has the right to recall these changes at any time

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