09 December 2012

Hash Party at H2O The Liquid Lounge


We are seriously a mad bunch. We run on Sundays and party on a weekday… How stupid are we!! The Hash gathered at H2O for a party… we had a turn out of about 25 odd hasher… Chewing Bum, Butki, Bang Cock, Deep Throat, Buttler, Sexy Bombil, Shivaji, Fartashaty , Wash Basin, Mihir, Vivek, Bindu, Munish, Rajat, Rajesh, Rajni, Rajesh, Kaushal, Sonu ,  were a few to name…

Since it was a weekday… it was only the hash in the whole club… we were joined by a few guests later during the party but the hash was on its own spirits… Right from the minute we entered we hit the dance floor. The Dj belted some nice Retro to kick off the party followed by a lot of Bollywood… Beer was flowing everywhere and the hashers were having a merry time… Someone, infact, suggested that this should be done as a monthly event.

So… after a lot of drinking and dancing the hashers slowly went away to prepare for the next day… 

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