11 December 2012

Run # 405 Zenith Waterfalls

Trash #405

What Bombay Hash provides one cannot be better describe than in the words of Sitting Duck. Just the other day, Sitting Duck mentioned in one of his status messages, ‘I have travelled to Khopoli my whole life, and I thought I’d seen everthing... but I was wrong... Thanks to Bombay Hash for taking us to this place.’
Yes! The run was at the less known Zenith waterfall, a place only frequented by the locals, i’d say.
A complete different experience as I may call it, this place had everything for everybody wanting to get out of the concrete jungle.
The run was hared by Sitting Duck and Shivaji and they did a splendid job. Before the run, SD treated the hashers with the best thing a person needs on a rainy day, any guess?
Vada pav and chai (tea).

Poor Cockney Wanker could not relish that as he was still carrying crap from the previous night. The moment he got down from his car, he started sniffing for places he could crap; whether he did it or not... no one will ever know. (we did see a lot of shit on the trail).
The run started with a downpour which lasted for exactly 5 mins and changed the climate into a serene and sexy exotic place.
It was a complete off road trail, the climate to not bright, not completely dull but moist and cool. Nearly 10 mins into the run we reached the Zenith waterfall, beautiful and tempting, however, we could not get under the fall because there were huge boulders resting on unstable gravel on top which might give anytime. But the view of the fall was amazing. Moving on, we passed a big clear green patch of land which ended at the footsteps of a small hill. We climbed up the whole hill which had a running water stream, awesome!

All in all, the run was a super success till we entered the village, beyond which, the MF Hares did not mark the run. When questioned, their response was, “We thought it was obvious that you guys had to come back from the village to the start point.” Rubbish explanation we’d say.

Now, initially the venue for the circle was a bungalow which later on, for reasons not so important, had to be changed to Sangam Hotel’s terrace, right in the heart of Khopoli. The terrace had a huge shed and that helped as the moment we entered it started pouring.
The virgins poured as well as the rain did. Plus there was a new role given out to the Hash Thrash Fubar, infact 2 roles.
RA ‘Cockney Wanker’ was the superhero disciplinarian and HashThrash ‘Fubar’ was his side kick – the spanker.  Now as per the new rule, anybody misbehaving or disrespecting the circle was to be spanked, kicked or slapped on the butt... also anybody who got onto the ice would get one before their ass went numb. Lets call the duo... ‘THE DISCIPLIANARIAN AND THE SPANKY’

The circle:-
Virgins: Ankit Sood, Sandy, Praveen, Payal, Vishruta, Venky, Anushka and Mythili were the virgins for the day. They were welcomed to our world with sing song and down down. Vikram was also iced as his first run was an evening run.

Hares: Shivaji and Sitting Duck were asked questions about waterfalls, hills and shit on the run.
Osama and Sitting duck were iced again for the lovely snacks they got for us.

Hashers then acquainted the new folks with our hash anthem and the signs. PS:- dudes, for the love of your dicks, please lubricate before ‘cuming’ to avoid rash... i am the only one who does that... :-P

We had our biryanis and FO’ed while it was still pouring.

Good Times


  1. Reading this was a treat. Missing the hashers and the hash runs. Any runs planned for 20th April Sunday ?

  2. Send your email id to bombayhash@gmail.com and we will send you the details for easter weekend...

  3. I'm already part of the Mail chain Chirag, but I havent received this one.. I'll be leaving qt 4 PM 20th April. Is this going to be an evening run ?


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