Bombay Hash officially welcomed the monsoons at Thakoor Estate on Sunday. Wondering if it would be a disaster like last year (for the people who dont know; we ran from Thakoor Estate last year hoping that it would rain, but it never did), we had our fingers crossed until we saw dark clouds slowly gaining on us.
The run, hared by Shivaji and Sunil Fadia, was a delight for runners and walkers alike. The run started on a patch of road and soon turned into an off road frenzy. Two runs, short and long, were marked in yellow and red respectively. Though many hashers complained that they did not see much tape in the villages (there was actually none), we believed their story of the conspiracy by the villagers. Sunil claimed that he did mark the village, however, he stated that the villagers might have removed them. He was finally caught red handed when Fubar discovered and unused yellow tape roll from him. Accused and Guilty! Getting lost is a part of the whole hashing experience and front runners made sure that they got lost on more than one occasion.
Apart from that minor glitch in the village, the run was a wonderful delight. The rain played its part pretty well and showed no signs of stopping. The view from certain places was breath taking. Also, we were accompanied on the run by a goat. She just came and disappeared at her own will.
After the delightful 9 kms of run and rain, we were bound to pounce on all the cold beer that filled the buckets. Bonsai explained, and so truly, the benefits of actually being a real hasher and not just being a pretty (and sometimes ugly) face in the group. We all got a much needed lesson on ‘The importance of haring.‘
The O…
Shivaji and Sunil: Wonderful job on the run (we will ignore the lack of tape). A down down was in order.
Now, the list of first timers is long. Anna, Bharat, Mohit, Udhav, Bobby, Ashutosh, Ankit, Aadil (Azeems father), Daniel (Azeems brother) and Henry lost virginity under the rain and on the ice. Ashutosh and Henry had come for the evening run but they were iced on this run.
Mohit was iced for discussing business with BH3. Apparently, he wanted BH3 to fill in a survey. “Mr. Mohit, we do not allow business talks on the run.”
Rajbir decided he had lived a happy life for a long time and wanted some suffering. So he got engaged. Half married, he was put on the ice. Jokes apart, Congrats Mr. Rai.
Azeem also got iced. His testicles froze. Achievement: By the end of 2012, Azeem Zainulbhai will be referred to as, “Daddy” Zainulbhai. Congrats! we have a hasher in the making.
Announcement: Vikram was christened in Interhash… He will now be reffered to as, “Beer Bong”
Post circle: People who like only Biryani stood under the shed and ate while people who needed more gravy got it in the form of rain water.
On! On! till the next run.
For all the virgins who do not know the hash songs and the hash anthem, your search stops here:
Heres to them:
Here’s to them, They are blue, they are hashers through and through
They are hashers so they say, and they’re never going to heaven in a long long way… (Drink it down down down…. )
Why were they born:
Why were they born so beautiful, why were they born at all,
They’re no fucking use to anyone, they’re no fucking use at all… (Drink it down down…)
Hash anthem:
Swing low, sweet chariot… Coming forth to carry me home (2 times)
I looked over Jordan, and what did I see… Coming forth to carry….
A band of angels… coming after me… Coming forth to carry…
Actions to be used while singing the anthem:
Coming : Masturbation
Forth: 4 fingers
to: 2 fingers
home: hands over ur head, as if showing a home.
(guys, it is recommended that you lubricate ur palm before u masturbate to avoid rashes) 

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