09 December 2012

Run # 312 Osama's Den

Poor Dubya. The amount of $$$$ the chap has spent searching for Mr Bin Laden. All the guy needed to do is read the Hash Trash and he'd have everything, directions included. We did and landed at Osama's Koliwada hideout. The only WMDs detected were a whole lot of used condoms and Mr Bhathena's toy machine gun.

A live trail was set by Shivaji, Harish and the host and hostess in and around Juhu ( Juhu Tara - J W Marriott - Holiday Inn - Beach and back to base). Toss off managed to lose his way back. Now, how the heck can you lose yourself on the beach??!? Anyway, it's a change from his usual
shortcutting. He came in last. Back to Osama's backyard (what a place ) the Hares got on the ice.

First timers Ghanarrea, Tits 'n' Ass, Prashant, Sarah, Radhika and (God bless her) Swapna got iced. Darling Swapna - a dentist- actually gave out her cell number. Bet she had a whole lot of fillings to do after that. Ghanarrea warmed the ice again for new shoes.

Post beer and lunch, Osama and Neelima had a tough time getting rid of the pissed, lazy and grateful Hashers. A big thank you to the Bearded Man and Non Bearded Lady for the Run.

Hashers are requested to put their best foot forward and get cracking to ensure a cracking Nash Hash 2006.


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