10 December 2012

Run # 391 Parsee Gym No Tv Day

Parsee gym
No TV Run

History was made on Saturday when Bombay Hash, for the first time ever, did a city run on a Saturday. Well it was for a good cause so the day didn’t really bother us. Plus… hashers just need an excuse to get together, run and drink beer… the day doesn’t really matter…

The cause: Hindustan Times had organized a NO TV DAY and was encouraging activities that does not require sitting at home and looking at the idiot box.
The hash: is the kind of thing that one would love to do rather than watching T.V.

The petrol pump outside Parsee Gymkhana was bustling with people wearing similar tees… it said NO TV DAY on the left and the back said… Switch off your TV. Switch on Mumbai… yes, these were the t-shirts provided by Hindustan Times as they gave an extensive coverage to our event for the cause. There were people from Hindustan Times who participated in the run with BH3. There was another big gathering of crowd just a few hundred meters away from us, but that was to witness a major car accident that took place on Marine Drive, I am sure you guys checked it in the Sunday news. Anyway, surprises started pouring in the moment we started gathering at the pump. To begin with, Hindustan Times distributed t-shirts to everyone… secondly… now this one goes in caps and bold cos this was a big surprise…

THE ENTIRE HASH EVENING WAS SPONSORED BY HINDUSTAN TIMES, WHICH MEANT… NO REGISTRATION FEE, NO PAYING FOR ENTRANCE IN PARSEE GYMKHANA, NO PAYING FOR THE FOOD YOU EAT AND… NO PAYING FOR THE BEER This was announced before the run started and came as a superb surprise to Bombay Hash. Thanks to the Hindustan Times team. A big thank you also goes out to  Ms. Poonam Bhatia for extending her support and also being present for the event and for giving Bombay Hash and extensive coverage in Hindustan Times.

Anyway, the run kicked off from the petrol pump under the bridge and took us along the Marine Drive promenade right till the Hanging Gardens where it was divided into 3 runs: Short, Medium and Long. The lovely evening breeze made it a beautiful run with no sweat. Along the way, we passed a gay, lesbian and transsexual pride marathon which ended at chowpatty. I think everyone was doing something or the other on the NO TV Day.

So, the run got over and the Parsee Gym ground made a perfect spot for after circle merriment. Kingfisher beer kept doing its rounds as veteran hashers gelled with new hashers, or as we call them, VIRGINS.

The circle was conducted without the ice:

FRB’s, most of which were first timers with the exception of Cockney, was brought in the center and sung for as they drank beer from their glasses (remember, no ice and piss pots). And yes, they were amazed with our choice of songs for them.

Next up were the hares who were applauded for the wonderful run laid down for us.

Fubar went down on his knees and elbow and a gentleman (NOT… :-P ) got to ride his back. The reason was just to let the newcomers know that we do have ice as a major part of our circle and since ice wasn’t there that night… we replaced it with Fubar.

Lastly, our hash anthem, which drew much attention from new hashers as well as the other guests of Parsee Gymkhana.

Links for pics: http://picasaweb.google.com/bombayhash/Run391ParseeGymNoTvRun?authkey=Gv1sRgCMDxs-jqyJPZqgE&feat=directlink

On! On!

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